Lady Harlem Renaissance
Where are you from: Harlem, NY
About Me: I'm a May Taurus - just as ready to charge and slightly more horny.
Relationship status: My husband has gone missing under some suspicious circumstances - at the cops say they're suspicious.
Biggest inspiration: Being in a fellowship surrounded by and connected to sober people who are showing up with a willingness to live life on life's terms. Those who allow love in and are in a conscious state of being. I'm truly inspired to want more and dream bigger than I ever could have imagined for myself.
Never have I ever: Never have I ever answered this question without an NDA. Bitch, mind your bussy!
Why am I sober: I'm sober to lead the invasion of Canada, obviously. Oh also, World Peace! And to start a new podcast called The Black Michelle Williams.
Why we should donate to you: I am your favorite contestant's favorite contestant.